Title: The Texaco Fellows program - a synergistic team adding value to the bottom line
Authors: B. Katz, W. Almon, S. Wheeler, D. Wisch, J. Bradburn, C. Cook, W. Johns, P. Smith, E. Hrkel, S. Longacre, B. Klock, D. Storm, E. McDonald, A. Prelat, N. Richter
Addresses: Chevron Texaco, 4800 Fournace Place, Bellaire, TX 77401, USA. Chevron Texaco, 4800 Fournace Place, Bellaire, TX 77401, USA. Chevron Texaco, 4800 Fournace Place, Bellaire, TX 77401, USA. Chevron Texaco, 4800 Fournace Place, Bellaire, TX 77401, USA. Chevron Texaco, 4900 Fournace Place, Bellaire, TX 77401, USA. Chevron Texaco, 4900 Fournace Place, Bellaire, TX 77401, USA. Chevron Texaco, 4900 Fournace Place, Bellaire, TX 77401, USA. Chevron Texaco, 4900 Fournace Place, Bellaire, TX 77401, USA. Chevron Texaco, 4900 Fournace Place, Bellaire, TX 77401, USA. Chevron Texaco, 3901 Briarpark, Houston, TX 77042, USA. Chevron Texaco, 3901 Briarpark, Houston, TX 77042, USA. Chevron Texaco, 5901 South Rice, Bellaire, TX 77401, USA. # Alto Technology Resources Inc., 10111 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77042, USA. Chevron Texaco, 329 N. Durfee Ave., South El Monte, CA 91733, USA
Abstract: A decade ago Texaco initiated a Fellows program to honour and recognise technical professionals for their accomplishments and contributions to the company and to the energy industry. The selected individuals have since evolved into a synergistic team providing positive business impact to the corporation. With this evolution, the Texaco Fellows program has becomeunique in the corporate world. In addition to continuing technical work in the arenas for which they were recognised, the Fellows developed, organised and participate in a number of corporate programs including: a Group Mentoring Program, which emphasises personal effectiveness, the development of collaborative organisations and commitment to positive change; a Portals to Tomorrow Program, which provides views of possible technical and business scenarios industry; and participation in Technology Field Trips to private and governmental research centres, which provide for pollination across technical disciplines and industries. The Texaco Fellows act as a self-managed unit, expanding its scope as business opportunities arise.
Keywords: group mentoring; recognition programme; self-managed team; technology field trips; technology transfer; Texaco Fellow.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHRDM.2002.001030
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2002 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.283-297
Published online: 18 Aug 2003 *
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