Title: German physical protection concept for the storage of spent fuel elements in transport and storage casks
Authors: Leopold Weil, Ralph Maier
Addresses: Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Willi-Brand-Str. 5, 38229 Salzgitter, Germany. ' Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Willi-Brand-Str. 5, 38229 Salzgitter, Germany
Abstract: In this paper, the German physical protection concept for the storage of spent fuel elements in transport and storage casks is outlined. The presentation comprises the legal basis, relevant ordinances and regulatory framework, as well as important definitions such as disruptive acts or other interference by third parties. The essential elements of a physical protection concept for an interim storage facility for spent fuel elements consist of clear definitions of protected areas, structural/technical barriers, control, monitoring and alarm measures, administrative-organisational physical protection aspects and support for the police. These conceptual aspects are discussed with an emphasis on recent achievements and ongoing developments.
Keywords: nuclear fuels; physical protection; spent fuel storage; transport casks; storage casks; Germany; legislation; ordinances; regulations; nuclear power; nuclear energy; nuclear law; interim storage facilities.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNUCL.2006.010255
International Journal of Nuclear Law, 2006 Vol.1 No.2, pp.125 - 131
Published online: 11 Jul 2006 *
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