Title: A reliable and computationally efficient model for professional gas boilers
Authors: Emidio Tiberi; Riccardo Furlanetto; Daniele Turrin; Marzio Piller
Addresses: Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Trieste, Via A. Valerio 10, 34127 Trieste, Italy ' The Research Hub™ by Electrolux Professional, Viale Treviso 15, 33170 Pordenone, Italy ' The Research Hub™ by Electrolux Professional, Viale Treviso 15, 33170 Pordenone, Italy ' Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Trieste, Via A. Valerio 10, 34127 Trieste, Italy
Abstract: Gas boilers can be integrated into professional ovens for steamcooking processes. Their heat-transfer efficiency depends on several parameters, as exhaust gas temperature, combustion stability, fuel type, excess air. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD henceforth) provides a viable option to assess several digital prototypes of gas boilers under different operation conditions. Short setup-time, low computational cost and close matching with experimental results are key features of a CFD model suitable for the industrial design. We propose a reliable and computationally-efficient CFD model for gas boilers, operating under steady conditions. The model does not take explicitly into account both combustion and water boiling. The accuracy of the proposed model is confirmed by the excellent agreement between experimental measurements of the exhaust gas temperatures and the corresponding numerical results.
Keywords: gas boilers; computational fluid dynamics; CFD; CFD model; heat transfer; experimental validation; computational efficiency; industrial systems.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2019.102472
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2019 Vol.33 No.2, pp.225 - 251
Received: 03 Jul 2017
Accepted: 02 Feb 2018
Published online: 27 Sep 2019 *