Title: Applying lean management in complex manufacturing lines: the case of flash chip production
Authors: Benjamin Gozlan; Ofer Barkai; Elad Harison
Addresses: School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Anna Frank St., 12, Ramat-Gan, 5252626, Israel ' Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Shamoon College of Engineering, 84 Jabotinsky St., Ashdod, 77245, Israel ' School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Anna Frank St., 12, Ramat-Gan, 5252626, Israel
Abstract: Lean production practices and tools have been widely implemented for the last two decades in a variety of industries and services all over the world. The common notion of the lean concepts refers to a management strategy aimed at eliminating all sorts of waste throughout the operational processes. The paper evaluates the possibilities of implementing the principles of lean manufacturing in complex production lines and illustrates their potential contribution to the operations of firms. The case brought in the paper illustrates the use of the major principles of lean within a manufacturing company of flash memory chips. The case study highlights the benefits associated with the implementation of the lean management methodologies and techniques and aims to motivate organisations with production facilities to apply lean practices to benefit from substantial efficiency, output and quality gains with only minor investments. Additionally, various metrics for measuring the impact of lean management on different operational and financial dimensions within organisations are presented and discussed.
Keywords: lean management; flash chip production; production faults; value gains.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2019.101712
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2019 Vol.19 No.1, pp.137 - 149
Received: 23 Nov 2017
Accepted: 19 Jun 2018
Published online: 22 Aug 2019 *