Title: Optimised ultrafast lightweight design and finite element modelling of a CFRP monocoque electric car chassis
Authors: Evangelos Ch. Tsirogiannis; Georgios E. Stavroulakis; Sofoklis S. Makridis
Addresses: School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, GR15780, Greece ' School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Chania, GR73100, Greece ' Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management, University of Patras, Agrinio, GR30100, Greece
Abstract: A breakthrough in the process method has been developed by combined considerations in the demands of "Shell Eco Marathon" using finite element modelling (FEM). Ultrafast calculations have revealed novel chassis development. The most critical factors in designing the new chassis are the reduction of the weight, the improvement of strength and stiffness, the reduction of material and the manufacturing cost. The simple structural surfaces (SSS) method was used for an electric car so as the type of loading conditions which are applied to the chassis structure to be predicted. Afterwards, a new design approach for a lightweight carbon-fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) monocoque chassis is proposed which conforms to structural, ergonomic, safety and aesthetic requirements. The SSS method in conjunction with the creation of the chassis load calculator (CLC) model and both the specialised and integrated methodology of the processing procedure through FEM, have attained the overcoming of the time consuming conceptual design process.
Keywords: parametric design; lightweight; composites; CFRP; carbon-fibre reinforced polymer; monocoque; CAD; vehicle dynamics; FEM; finite element modelling; electric car; shell eco marathon; chassis design; stress scenario; ROM; rule of mixture.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEHV.2019.101300
International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 2019 Vol.11 No.3, pp.255 - 287
Received: 16 Nov 2018
Accepted: 21 Mar 2019
Published online: 30 Jul 2019 *