Title: A fuzzy inventory model for linear deteriorating items with selling price dependent demand and allowable shortages under partially backlogged condition
Authors: Susanta Kumar Indrajitsingha
Addresses: Saraswati Degree Vidya Mandir, Neelakantha Nagar, Berhampur, 760002, Odisha, India
Abstract: In the present study, we investigate a fuzzy inventory model for linear deteriorating items in which demand depended upon the selling price. Shortages are allowed and are partially backlogged with a rate dependent on the duration of waiting time up to the arrival of next lot. This study has been done with two types of model; first one is crisp model and second is fuzzy model. In crisp model the parameters are considered as real numbers and in fuzzy model, these are taken as triangular fuzzy numbers. Graded mean integration representation method, signed distance method and centroid method are used to defuzzify the total cost function. Numerical example is given to validate the model and sensitivity analysis of different system parameters are carried out to study the effect of changes by using Mathematica software.
Keywords: inventory; deterioration; triangular fuzzy number; graded mean representation method; graded mean integration representation; GMIR; signed distance method; SDM; centroid method; CM; shortages.
International Journal of Procurement Management, 2019 Vol.12 No.4, pp.457 - 474
Received: 27 May 2018
Accepted: 02 Sep 2018
Published online: 29 Jul 2019 *