Title: Micro navigation system for smart parking area

Authors: Hicham Lahdili; Zine El Abidine Alaoui Ismaili

Addresses: Information, Communication and Embedded Systems (ICES) Team, ENSIAS, University Mohammed V, Rabat 10010, Morocco ' Information, Communication and Embedded Systems (ICES) Team, ENSIAS, University Mohammed V, Rabat 10010, Morocco

Abstract: Despite its limited accuracy, navigation systems depending on GPS are currently attracting considerable interest due to their increasing convenience in the field of transportation area. So far, most outdoor navigation applications are using GPS and the absence of a low-cost alternative with acceptable accuracy satisfying the indoor applications requirements has become one of the motivational topics to follow up. Therefore, different studies have been recently conducted in order to develop an accurate indoor localisation system. In this paper, we will propose a micro-navigation system for parking area with a visual positioning system (VPS) based on the surveillance camera network adaptation and the image processing theory. From the data provided by the VPS, a navigation tool will be presented besides. The proposed system has achieved an accuracy error of 0.08 M, and proved a remarkable improvement in terms of finding parking places time consuming. We believe that we have designed an innovative solution responding to traffic jams and pollution issues as well as stress and finding parking places time consuming.

Keywords: smart parking; indoor navigation application; vehicle positioning system; real-time; image processing.

DOI: 10.1504/IJIE.2019.101125

International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, 2019 Vol.6 No.2/3/4, pp.171 - 187

Received: 12 Jan 2018
Accepted: 25 Sep 2018

Published online: 24 Jul 2019 *

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