Title: Study of Grodzins product in collective nuclear structure
Authors: Amit Bindra; H.M. Mittal
Addresses: Department of Physics, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India ' Department of Physics, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India
Abstract: The systematic dependence of Grodzins product E(2+1)∗B(E2)↑ on the nucleonic promiscuity factor, i.e. P-factor = (Np Nn)/(Np + Nn), is studied in the Z = 50−82, N = 82−126 major shell space. The anomalous behaviour is noticed at N = 88−90, where the Grodzins product fails to maintain the constancy corresponding to P ≥ 4. The nuclei for P ≥ 4 region are recognised for enhanced collectivity, where p−n interaction is of the order of ∼250 keV and it begins to dominate the pairing interaction of ∼1 MeV. The P-factor also resolves the anomaly of not obtaining smooth universal Casten curve in Np Nn scheme. The approximate constancy in Grodzins product is noticed for well deformed nuclear region. The relation between Grodzins product and P-factor has been studied for the first time.
Keywords: Grodzins product; nuclear structure; P-factor.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2019.100757
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 2019 Vol.13 No.2, pp.99 - 109
Received: 30 Dec 2017
Accepted: 25 Feb 2019
Published online: 17 Jul 2019 *