Title: Between-group inequality in education in India: a sequential logit model analysis
Authors: Anjan Ray Chaudhury; Madhabendra Sinha
Addresses: Department of Economics, Durgapur Government College, West Bengal 713214, India ' Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, West Bengal 713209, India
Abstract: The study provides an insight into the between-group educational inequality India, where the groups are defined by taking caste and religion together. We propose an index of between-group inequality applicable to ordinal categorical data and compute the between-group educational inequality existing in Indian society and its overtime persistence. Findings reveal an overtime increase in between-group educational inequality in India. We invoke the sequential logit model of regression to assess the probability of transition from lower to higher levels of education. The results of estimation of this regression model reveal a declining trend in the rate of dropout across all levels of education for all groups, though the rate of decline is greater for the advantaged groups compared to the disadvantaged groups. This disparity in the rate of decline is the responsible factor for the rise in between-group educational inequality.
Keywords: between-group educational inequality; transition probability; India; sequential logit model; scheduled castes; Muslims.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2019.100669
International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 2019 Vol.10 No.3, pp.294 - 322
Received: 10 Jan 2018
Accepted: 20 Dec 2018
Published online: 06 Jul 2019 *