Title: The relationship between organisational trust and organisational identification and its effect on organisational loyalty
Authors: Feras Suliman Al-Shalabi
Addresses: MIS Department, AMMAN College, AL Balqa Applied University, Jordan
Abstract: Most of management literature in general and organisational behaviour in particular agree on the importance of organisational trust and organisational identification in the success and sustainability of organisations, these variables significantly affect important indicators of success in the organisation such as organisational citizenship, organisational loyalty, employee satisfaction, etc. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between organisational trust, organisational identification and organisational loyalty in the private Jordanian hospitals, providing a framework of four scenarios for the relationship between these variables and working on determining the optimal relationship between the three variables. The study framework included the direct relationships of organisational trust and organisational identification and its impact on organisational loyalty, the indirect effect of organisational trust on organisational loyalty with the existence of organisational identification as a mediator variable, and organisational identification on organisational loyalty with the existence of organisational trust in organisational loyalty as a mediator variable. The study showed that all relationships in the study framework had a significant effect on organisational loyalty. However, the optimal relationship was the effect of organisational identification in organisational loyalty with the existence of organisational trust as a mediator variable.
Keywords: organisational trust; organisational identification; organisational loyalty; organisational identification; social identity; private hospitals; Jordanian private hospitals; economic and business.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEBR.2019.100646
International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 2019 Vol.18 No.1, pp.1 - 30
Received: 05 Apr 2018
Accepted: 04 Jun 2018
Published online: 06 Jul 2019 *