Benchmarking data warehouses
by Jerome Darmont, Fadila Bentayeb, Omar Boussaid
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining (IJBIDM), Vol. 2, No. 1, 2007

Abstract: Database benchmarks can either help users in comparing the performances of different systems, or help engineers in testing the effect of various design choices. In the field of data warehouses, the Transaction Processing Performance Council's standard benchmarks address the first point, but they are not tunable enough to address the second one. We present in this paper the Data Warehouse Engineering Benchmark (DWEB), which allows generating various ad hoc synthetic data warehouses and workloads. We detail DWEB's full specifications, as well as the experiments we performed to illustrate how it may be used. DWEB is a Java free software.

Online publication date: Sat, 31-Mar-2007

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