User Feedback

    Below we provide links to various forms of user feedback. Please make sure you let us know of any critiques, requests for improvements, etc. The following list provides some information about the available forms of user feedback.

    1 - User Comments

    You can help improve our service! If you have comments for us, please submit them through our Feedback about the Service Form. We always welcome comments and suggestions for improvements. Please note that a specific correction can take about a few days to be updated. In some cases we may need to look for originals to attend your feedback. Pages that need to be scanned or rescanned by hand will take longer.

    2 - Readers' feedback about a Journal

    We welcome your comments about any of the journals published by Inderscience. Please feel free to send us any kind of comments using this form: User's feedback on Journals. We would appreciate it if you would include your optional contact information so that we may contact you if necessary. We thank you in advance for your interest in our journals.

    3 - Abstract Correction

    If you find incorrect information in one of our bibliographic records or you think there are papers which are missing from our on-line Journals Collection, please let us know by using the Abstract Correction Form This form will let us retrieve the current data in the database and allows us to modify that information. Once we receive your feedback or change request, we will review it and then change the on-line Journals Collection accordingly.