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International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing

International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing (IJSHC)

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International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Bibliometric analysis on turnover intention of employees   Order a copy of this article
    by Sangita Saha, Saibal Kumar Saha, Ajeya Jha 
    Abstract: This study aims to reflect on the work done by researchers on turnover intention. With the help of bibliometric analysis, metadata obtained from the Scopus database was analysed to highlight the trends. VOSViewer software was used to perform the network, cluster, co-citation, and text analysis. It was found that Karatepe, O.M. had the highest number of publications (39). Researchers from the USA and China have constantly published the highest number of articles in this field of research. Researchers from countries like India, Pakistan, China, South Korea, South Africa, and Malaysia have started extensive research on the turnover intention of employees and have started publishing in recent years. The future of research is more inclined towards predictive analytics and model developments.
    Keywords: turnover intention; bibliometric analysis; work-life balance; job satisfaction; family support; supervisor support.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSHC.2024.10064098
  • Network effects in friend-to-friend resource sharing network   Order a copy of this article
    by Pramod C. Mane 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to inquire into the resource availability of peers in a friend-to-friend (F2F) resource-sharing network. In this study, we focus on how peers decisions to create new links affect the resource availability of others in the network. We examine the impact of new links on resource availability through the lens of network effects, also known as network externalities. We examine the relationship between network density and network effects. We demonstrate that a peers local and global resource availability is inversely proportional to the distance between any two peers that form a link. Furthermore, we show that the total number of peers in the network does not influence the inversely proportional relationship between network density and positive network effects.
    Keywords: social network; network effect; externalities; resource sharing; social network; network centrality; peer-to-peer network.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSHC.2024.10065012
  • Building your network, building your wealth   Order a copy of this article
    by S. Bharathithasan, K. Sakthi Srinivasan 
    Abstract: This study delves into the intricate world of family-run micro-enterprises in India. It explores how social connections, individual financial literacy, and ambitions for growth collectively influence a businesss financial success. Employing a quantitative approach, the research uncovers significant direct connections between a micro-entrepreneurs social capital, financial well-being, and their drive to expand their business. Additionally, the study highlights the crucial role of financial intelligence in shaping overall financial performance. The findings support the hypothesis that business aspirations act as a mediating factor, while the analysis rejects the moderating influence of financial intelligence. In essence, this report underscores how robust social networks and financial knowledge empower micro businesses to thrive and achieve financial stability.
    Keywords: social capital; SoC; financial wellness; FWn; microbusiness intentions; financial intelligence; Fin; family-owned micro-enterprises.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSHC.2024.10066505