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International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems

International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems (IJMMS)

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International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Hybrid fuzzy logic approach for multi-objective optimization in laser-based processes   Order a copy of this article
    by Aristeidis Tsiolikas, John Kechagias, Stefanos Zaoutsos 
    Abstract: This research paper proposes a hybrid methodology that integrates experimental design, grey relational analysis, and fuzzy logic for multi-objective optimization of laser-based processes. The aim is to optimize the laser speed and power during laser cutting to improve the surface quality and dimensional accuracy of cutting 3D-printed thin plates. The research methodology employs a systematic experimental design approach, statistical analysis, grey relational analysis and artificial intelligence model to identify the optimal process parameters and improve laser process efficiency. Integrating laser-based post-processing with additive manufacturing offers an effective solution to address the challenges of achieving high-quality products created by budget 3D printing technologies. The results of this study contribute to the development of efficient and robust hybrid manufacturing processes such as laser-based processing and 3D printing and provide valuable insights for enhancing the quality of additive manufactured parts.
    Keywords: Experimental design; Gray relational analysis; Fuzzy logic; Laser-based processing; Material extrusion; Optimization; Surface quality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMMS.2024.10062549
  • Embedded Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture server-based online error motion measurement system   Order a copy of this article
    by Yuanchen Zhao, Fabian Stoop, Steffen Wurm, Konrad Wegener 
    Abstract: This paper tracks the ongoing evolution in communication interoperability and standardised data modeling for the integration of devices into Industry 4.0 networks. It proposes an innovative design methodology for a spindle error motion measurement system, enabling its establishment on a cost-efficient platform, such as microcontrollers. The methodology encompasses signal processing algorithm design in accordance with ISO 230-7 and the implementation of an embedded Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA) server. Leveraging the recently released OPC UA companion specification for Geometric Measurement Systems (GMS), the system's standardised information model is formulated. Furthermore, to achieve real-time communication, FreeRTOS is employed to coordinate task execution. Finally, this paper constructs a prototype to validate the system's capability to measure and transmit spindle error motion signals. Implementation of this methodology results in reduced system requirements compared to existing error motion measurement systems and facilitates interoperable communication through a standardised information model.
    Keywords: OPC UA; Industry 4.0; Sensors; Embedded System; Error Motion; Geometric Measurement; Interoperability; Internet of Things; Smart Manufacturing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMMS.2024.10062550
  • Rapid online chatter detection in milling using aliased signals   Order a copy of this article
    by Harsh Singh Rajput, Mohit Law 
    Abstract: This paper proposes a new real-time capable chatter detection method using aliased signals. Since vibration spectra of stable cuts are dominated by harmonics of spindle frequencies, and since aliased signals with known frequency content fold in deterministic ways, we show that we can deduce which of the peaks in the frequency spectra of the folded signals is a harmonic or not of the spindle frequency. We illustrate chatter detection with slot milling Aluminium by sampling at rates as low as 256 Hz. The method takes ~0.13 ms to execute making it useful for condition monitoring and detection of chatter.
    Keywords: Chatter; Online; Aliasing; Milling; Real-time; Nyquist.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMMS.2024.10063661