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International Journal of Aviation Management

International Journal of Aviation Management (IJAM)

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International Journal of Aviation Management (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • The Worlds Commercial Pilots are Low in Supply but High in Homogeneity.   Order a copy of this article
    by Sebastian Hall 
    Abstract: This paper argues that the worlds commercial pilots are remarkably homogeneous and that this characteristic of the Global Pilot Labor Market (GPLM) is related to the global commercial pilot shortage. The paper contends that, through understanding the homogeneity of commercial pilots, both individual firms and the wider aviation industry should be capable of establishing effective initiatives that will help mitigate and alleviate the shortage by having a positive impact on pilot recruitment, retention and attendance. First, the nature of the global commercial pilot shortage is discussed. This includes an analysis of the current data which supports the existence of a pilot shortage. The paper then explores the wide-ranging societal downsides of such a labor shortage, arguing that there are undesirable impacts on global prosperity, the environment and passenger safety. The second half of the paper sets out the fundamental argument that the worlds commercial pilots are remarkably homogenous with respect to personality, beliefs and values. This is argued through a series of factors analyzed chronologically over a typical pilots life cycle, beginning with sex determination at conception and ending with professional retirement. The paper contends that the homogeneity of the GPLM means that well-chosen internal Human Resource Management (HRM) initiatives within large firms will be highly effective because the policies will have the same effect on a large proportion of any commercial pilot workforce, given their general homogeneity. The paper concludes by acknowledging that its key contention (commercial pilot homogeneity) is merely identifying the vulnerable weak spot of the pilot supply problem; considerable further research is required in order to ascertain which particular HRM policies should be adopted to exploit this foible of the GPLM.
    Keywords: pilots labour market; global aviation; airline management; personnel economics; ICAO; pilot shortage; pilot recruitment; pilot retention; pilot homogeneity.

Special Issue on: Aviation in a Post-Pandemic World Recovery, Redevelopment, and Challenges

  • The resilience of the aviation sector amid COVID-19: a case study of Vietnam Airlines (2017-2021)   Order a copy of this article
    by Thi Thanh Xuan Mai, Tu Le 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the global economy, including the aviation sector. Recently, research on the resilience and recovery of the sector in a post-pandemic era has emerged. This study is the first to examine the issues of resilience and recovery in the aviation sector, focusing on Vietnam Airlines, the countrys flag carrier. The empirical results, which are based on the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model, reveal that the airlines performance is likely to recover by 2025-2026 after the COVID-19 pandemic. Previous capital investments and labour employment can burden current performance, justifying the cost-cutting strategy implemented by the airline. Our forecasting result for 2022, of which no data is available, suggests a potential decrease in market value until December 2022; however, there is a possibility to reach higher values depending on monitoring and performance.
    Keywords: resilience; recovery; post-COVID-19; pandemic; aviation; Vietnam.