Title: Recognition of football players' contracts by means of the active market

Authors: Nicoleta Maria Ienciu; Ionel-Alin Ienciu

Addresses: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeş-Bolyai University, 58–60 Theodor Mihali Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania ' Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeş-Bolyai University, 58–60 Theodor Mihali Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract: The paper provides a theoretical analysis based on the idea that the active market is the main determinant of human capital recognition in the financial statements within football industry. The study represents a general review of the authors concerning the situation of players' contracts registration which may influence the management decision processes of companies operating inside and outside of the football arena. The paper can help the managers of firms operating in other industries than football to discover insights about the possibilities of recognition of human capital rights in the financial statements. We have used the archive method for documents such as UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations and Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players. The paper contributes to the literature by analysing the situation of football players' rights being recorded in the financial statements in order to inform future research in the field.

Keywords: football industry; active market; human capital; football players' contracts; transactions.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMABS.2017.088074

International Journal of Markets and Business Systems, 2017 Vol.3 No.1, pp.1 - 17

Received: 25 Aug 2016
Accepted: 03 Feb 2017

Published online: 21 Nov 2017 *

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