Title: Quality management business analytics framework

Authors: Abdelkader Mazouz

Addresses: MIS Department, College of Business Administration, Al Ain University Science and Technology, UAE

Abstract: Assessing the alignment of the quality management dimensions with organisational strategic planning represents a big challenge for firm competitive advantage realisation for the 21st century companies. The main constraints are of essence: time, data reliability and accuracy. This paper aims at tackling this issue and providing a design of a quality management business analytics (QMBA) roadmap. Drawing on firm drivers including: leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, measurement, analysis, and knowledge management, human resource focus, process management, and business/organisational performance results, the QMBA will develop a framework where a dashboard will be derived for each working unit within the organisation, and thus an overall dashboard is set for the whole organisation. Subsequently, business analytics will feed each dashboard will real-time access for firm improved decision making. Handling and analysing big data, to derive useful information to eventually translate it to knowledge is a major achievement for decision makers.

Keywords: business analytics; quality management; big data; six sigma; strategic planning; decision making; leadership; customer focus; market focus, measurement; knowledge management; human resources; process management; business performance; organisational performance; firm performance.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEBR.2016.078793

International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 2016 Vol.12 No.1, pp.1 - 18

Received: 10 May 2015
Accepted: 03 Feb 2016

Published online: 02 Sep 2016 *

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