Title: Development of wastewater pipe performance index and performance prediction model

Authors: Thiti Angkasuwansiri; Sunil K. Sinha

Addresses: KPY Holding Co., Ltd., 30/5 Vibhavadee 60 Laksi, Bangkok 10210, Thailand ' Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech 113-C Patton Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA

Abstract: Prediction/deterioration modelling is a crucial step in assessing the remaining service life for strategic management planning. Sound pipe performance evaluation models are essential for accurately predicting future performance. There is a lack of a performance evaluation tool which takes into consideration different factors such as pipe characteristics, internal and external environmental factors. In this research, a 'total-systems' approach have been taken for development of protocols and methods for predicting the condition/performance of wastewater pipes. The proposed wastewater pipe performance index model were developed applying the fuzzy inference system. The performance index was evaluated through artificial data and field data to ensure that the index was technically comprehensive and could be implemented to a real world database. Developing a performance index led to the development of a Markov performance prediction model. The prediction model utilised the performance index results from fuzzy inference model to estimate the service life of wastewater pipeline.

Keywords: wastewater pipelines; performance index; condition rating index; performance prediction; prediction modelling; deterioration modelling; fuzzy inference; strategic management; strategic planning; performance evaluation; service life; pipeline lifetime.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSMSS.2014.062767

International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems, 2014 Vol.1 No.3, pp.244 - 264

Published online: 26 Jul 2014 *

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