Title: The role of knowledge transfer and network relationships for stimulating growth in the professional services sector

Authors: Katalin Eibel-Spanyi, Susan Freeman

Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Eastern Connecticut State University, 83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226, USA. ' The University of Adelaide Business School, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5005, Australia

Abstract: This paper examines the central role of knowledge transfer and network relationships in the context of services, focusing especially on professional service firms (PSFs). It develops a conceptual framework applying the knowledge-based view (KBV) of the firm to explain how knowledge transfer capability and network relationships impact the ability of PSFs in stimulating growth via innovation and internationalisation. This conceptual framework is supported by three propositions and emphasises the close and interdependent relationship of knowledge transfer and network relationships. It is proposed that the strategy of a PSF needs to specifically address the role of knowledge and networks for success in innovation and internationalisation, with ultimate impact on PSFs growth. Areas of future research and managerial implications are outlined.

Keywords: knowledge transfer; innovation; network relationships; internationalisation; professional services; growth; conceptual framework; international business; knowledge-based view; KBV.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEBR.2011.042314

International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 2011 Vol.3 No.5, pp.494 - 513

Published online: 22 Apr 2015 *

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