The impact of banks adoption of multi-channels mix on the internet banking service encounter quality: the case of Arab Middle East region
by Yazan Khalid Abed-Allah Migdadi; Ola Maher Al. Omary
International Journal of Services and Standards (IJSS), Vol. 12, No. 1, 2017

Abstract: The aim of this paper is evaluating the impact of degree of adopting multi-channels mix on the quality of internet banking service encounter quality in the Middle East region. Fifty banks were surveyed; the surveyed banks were located in all Arab countries in the Middle East region. Two questionnaires were used to collect data; one of them was directed to professionals in order to weight the quality dimensions. Another one was used to report the quality dimensions and degree of adopting e-banking and traditional banking. Analysis methodology called quantitative evaluation was adopted to weight and rate quality dimensions, further, Sperman correlation coefficient was used to analyse the relationship between the degree of adopting banking channels and quality dimensions. The study revealed that; there is a negative relationship between the degree of adopting traditional banking and accessibility dimension. Also, there is a positive significant relationship between degree of adopting e-banking and accessibility and content quality dimensions.

Online publication date: Mon, 27-Nov-2017

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