Container-based task scheduling for edge computing in IoT-cloud environment using improved HBF optimisation algorithm
by Srichandan Sobhanayak; Kavita Jaiswal; Ashok Kumar Turuk; Bibhudatta Sahoo; Bhabendu Kumar Mohanta; Debasish Jena
International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES), Vol. 13, No. 1, 2020

Abstract: In conventional cloud computing technology, cloud resources are provided centrally by massive data centres. Therefore, edge computing technology has been proposed, where cloud services can be extended to the edge of the network to decrease a network congestion. The management of the resources is a major challenge before the researcher. Therefore, in this paper, a task scheduling algorithm based on hybrid bacteria foraging optimisation (HBFA) has been proposed for allocating and executing an application's tasks. The proposed algorithm aims to minimise the completion time and maximise resource utilisation in the edge network. A rigorous simulation has been done to test performance of the proposed strategy to compare it with state of art algorithms. The proposed strategy shows better performance compared to the existing work.

Online publication date: Wed, 08-Jul-2020

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