Combined approach to the complex objects control and stability analysis of management decisions
by Dmitry Ivanov; Boris Sokolov; Elena Serova; Rafael Yusupov
International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM), Vol. 23, No. 1, 2020

Abstract: The main problems and features of combined approach to the complex objects control and management stability analysis are investigated in the paper. Analytical-simulation scenarios and scenarios of intelligent models and systems execution for complex objects control and management stability analysis are given. The paper describes a particular group of models and modelling systems - hybrid intelligent models and systems that allow in conditions of uncertainty, incomplete initial data and complex interdependence between elements of complex objects to evaluate the implications of realization of various scenarios and risk evaluation. The investigations have shown successful possibility of risks evaluation by the combined implementation of the analytical-simulation models and algorithms, and ANFIS method - the method of hybrid neural-fuzzy modelling.

Online publication date: Wed, 01-Apr-2020

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