Evolution of service quality management and paradigm shift from product to service orientation: a historical review of literature Online publication date: Mon, 08-May-2017
by Umer Mukhtar; Suleman Anwar; Asim Ilyas
International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence (IJBFMI), Vol. 3, No. 2, 2017
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to trace the paradigm shift from product-focused orientation to service-focused orientation. The second aim is to review the evolution of service quality conception in literature. For this purpose, the dominant literature of 20th and 21st century has been collected, summarised and reviewed comprehensively. Services management thinking began to emerge as a field of study after 1950s and up to 1980s, it was recognised as a proper discipline emerged from marketing thought. The paradigm of manufacturing focus exclusive of service management has been shifted to strategic service management. The orientation of businesses has been upgraded and shifted towards more participatory role of customers conceptualised as service orientation (customer centric view) rather than product and production orientation (firm centric view). The future studies should study the empirical evidence of service orientation of business and management in varied contexts.
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