TanDEM-X: DEM acquisition in the third year era Online publication date: Wed, 30-Apr-2014
by Daniela Borla Tridon; Markus Bachmann; Daniel Schulze; Carlos Ortega-Míguez; Maria Donata Polimeni; Michele Martone; Johannes Böer; Manfred Zink
International Journal of Space Science and Engineering (IJSPACESE), Vol. 1, No. 4, 2013
Abstract: TerraSAR-X add-on for digital elevation measurement (TanDEM-X) is a space-borne X-band SAR mission designed to derive a digital elevation model (DEM) of the Earth's land surface with an unprecedented relative vertical accuracy of 2 m at a 12 m posting. To achieve this goal, the two satellites fly in close controlled formation with the opportunity to adjust flexible along- and across-track baselines. A combination of multiple acquisitions with different baseline lengths is required to allow stable phase unwrapping and to achieve the high height accuracy. This paper provides an overview of the TanDEM-X acquisition plan for the third year over Antarctica, mountainous areas and deserts. Critical aspects of the areas to be acquired are presented and the acquisition strategy is illustrated. Moreover, the formation flight and the baselines are compared to the ones of the previous years in terms of their impact on the height of ambiguity and on the performance with respect to the interferometric quality.
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