Entrepreneurship in emerging high-tech industries: ICT entrepreneurs between experts and kamikazes Online publication date: Sun, 08-Feb-2009
by Frank Robert, Pierre Marques, Frank Lasch, Frederic Le Roy
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB), Vol. 7, No. 3, 2009
Abstract: This study addresses a paradox: stakeholders agree upon the strategic importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) entrepreneurship, but little research provides empirical results to understand the ICT sector/entrepreneur. Analysing 469 entrepreneurs, the following specificities of ICT entrepreneurship in France were revealed: subsector differences, regional disparities, underrepresentation of female entrepreneurs, high qualification as prerequirement, insufficient preparation activities, a low level of entrepreneurship training and a surprisingly high proportion of necessity entrepreneurship. At the subsector level, four groups of entrepreneurs were identified: experienced cadre, 'freshman', well-prepared 'provident' and 'kamikaze'. The 'expert' with industry experience contrasts with the inexperienced 'freshman'. The careful preparer ('provident') displays a more technical profile, little management experience but the highest level of preparation of all four types. The opposite is the kamikaze: lack of specific knowledge, low educational level and little preparation. Implications for stakeholders (entrepreneurship support, venture capital) are suggested to assess and adjust measures for each type of entrepreneur.
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