A system thinking conceptual model for oil and gas complex systems Online publication date: Thu, 19-May-2022
by Yolanda Obaze; Victor R. Prybutok; Daniel A. Peak
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM), Vol. 41, No. 3, 2022
Abstract: This qualitative review develops a visual model to describe global logistics problems involved in the oil and gas (O&G) systems. The conceptual model provides a systems perspective on the complex logistical decisions within the petroleum industry, especially in situations where the gas producers face problems when meeting increasing demand. This research characterises the organisational learning method to understand the scenario that anticipates O&G demand. Using systems thinking, causal loop diagram (CLD), the qualitative study presents an innovative way of viewing the interrelationships between complex variables in the petroleum industry. The CLD models the strategic supply chain and logistics decisions as key factors in the business to business environments that enable companies to sustain a competitive advantage. Practitioners and researchers can anticipate and consistently gain new knowledge by using systems thinking to model the logistics processes and complexities in the petroleum industry.
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