Effects of anaerobic fermentation residue of biogas production on the yield and quality of Chinese cabbage and nutrient accumulations in soil
by Yuanyuan Wang, Fei Shen, Ronghou Liu, Lijuan Wu
International Journal of Global Energy Issues (IJGEI), Vol. 29, No. 3, 2008

Abstract: Field experiments were carried out to study the effect of different anaerobic fermentation residue of biogas production treatments on yield and quality of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. var. shanghaisis) and nutrient accumulation in soil. The results indicated that the yield and quality (Vitamin C and nitrate content) of Chinese cabbage were significantly improved. The highest yield of 1364.31 kg/667 m² was achieved at the application of low amount of anaerobic fermentation residue. The soil pH was improved, and the available N, P and K accumulated in the soil were increased by the application of the anaerobic fermentation residue.

Online publication date: Sat, 26-Apr-2008

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