Chapter 11: Promise

Title: A decision support system for lifecycle management: a cost evaluation approach to maintenance planning

Author(s): R. Fornasiero, M. Sorlini, J. Mascolo, N. Francone

Address: ITIA-CNR, Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano | ITIA-CNR, Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano | CRF, Strada Torino 50 Orbassano (TO) | CRF, Strada Torino 50 Orbassano (TO)

Reference: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management 2007 pp. 799 - 808

Abstract/Summary: The aim of this work is to propose a Decision Support System to manage product lifecycle in the Middle of Life phase in order to obtain data which may impact on the whole value chain. In particular a new maintenance approach based on the integration of information gathered from different actors is taken under consideration and the evaluation of residual lifecycle costs are used to define and plan maintenance actions. The system permits to create new value by transforming information into knowledge available for all phases of the lifecycle improving product and service quality, efficiency and sustainability.

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