Chapter 11: Promise

Title: Improving automobile parts recovery using product usage history information

Author(s): Parlikad A. K., Folan P., Mascolo J., McFarlane D. C.

Address: Cambridge University Engineering Department, Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge CB2 1RX | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Research Unit, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland | Centro Ricerche FIAT, Strada Torino 50, 10043 Orbassano (TO), Italy | Cambridge University Engineering Department, Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge CB2 1RX

Reference: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management 2007 pp. 753 - 762

Abstract/Summary: The ability to enhance the quality of product information that is available to make decisions along the product lifecycle is the core output of the PROMISE project. One of the major impact areas of such a capability is in improving the effectiveness of decisions made during end-of-life product recovery. Using a probabilistic approach to quantify the link between product lifecycle information and product quality in the case of a major European automobile manufacturer, this paper illustrates how decision-making during end-of-life product recovery can be improved by collecting critical product information during the vehicle lifecycle and making it readily available to the decision-makers to optimise product recovery processes.

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