Chapter 10: Lifecycle engineering and assessment

Title: Optimization of environmental and social criteria in the textile supply chain: European state of the art and perspectives of research

Author(s): Inès Boufateh, Anne Perwuelz, Besoa Rabenasolo, Anne-Marie Jolly-Desodt

Address: Laboratoire Génie des Matériaux textiles (GEMTEX), Ecole Nationale Supérieure des arts et Industries Textiles (ENSAIT), 9 rue de l|Ermitage BP 30329, 59056 Roubaix Cedex 01, France | Laboratoire Génie des Matériaux textiles (GEMTEX), Ecole Nationale Supérieure des arts et Industries Textiles (ENSAIT), 9 rue de l|Ermitage BP 30329, 59056 Roubaix Cedex 01, France | Laboratoire Génie des Matériaux textiles (GEMTEX), Ecole Nationale Supérieure des arts et Industries Textiles (ENSAIT), 9 rue de l|Ermitage BP 30329, 59056 Roubaix Cedex 01, France | Laboratoire Génie des Matériaux textiles (GEMTEX), Ecole Nationale Supérieure des arts et Industries Textiles (ENSAIT), 9 rue de l|Ermitage BP 30329, 59056 Roubaix Cedex 01, France

Reference: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management 2007 pp. 667 - 676

Abstract/Summary: Sustainable development in the textile industry is not a recent issue. Firstly, scientists and industrial actors were interested in researching new ways for cleaner production especially in the part of the supply chain concerning finishing treatments and dyeing. But nowadays, an analysis of the whole supply chain is needed to locate the most polluting parts and main social impacts, and to learn where and how it is preferable to intervene. Various methods and guidelines for a simplified and balanced LCA for textiles are proposed by European organisations. The authors' main research objective is the definition of a decision support system based on multi criteria analysis to evaluate environmental and social considerations within the whole textile chain. In this paper, the traditional textile production chain is presented and its critical points analysed following the sustainable development point of view. Then the paper proposes to design a green textile supply chain.

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