Chapter 5: Tools

Title: Multi level configuration of ETO products

Author(s): Thomas D. Petersen, Kaj A. Jorgensen, Hans-Henrik Hvolby, Jorgen A. Nielsen

Address: Aalborg University, Department of Production & Aalborg Industries, Fibigerstræde 16 | Aalborg University, Department of Production & Aalborg Industries, Fibigerstræde 16 | Aalborg University, Department of Production & Aalborg Industries, Fibigerstræde 16 | Aalborg University, Department of Production & Aalborg Industries, Fibigerstræde 16

Reference: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management 2007 pp. 293 - 302

Abstract/Summary: The paper introduces and defines central concepts related to multi level configuration and analyzes which challenges an engineer to order company must deal with to be able to realize a multi level configuration system. It is argued that high flexibility can be achieved and focus can be directed in certain business processes if a multi level configuration system is realized.

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