Chapter 3: Industrial experiences

Title: Aalborg Industries – Engineer to order PLM

Author(s): Thomas D. Petersen, Jorgen A. Nielsen

Address: Aalborg Industries A/S, Gasværksvej 24, 9100 Aalborg | Aalborg Industries A/S, Gasværksvej 24, 9100 Aalborg

Reference: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management 2007 pp. 189 - 192

Abstract/Summary: This paper described PLM considerations at Aalborg Industries A/S, a producer of engineer to order heat and steam generating systems, which is currently facing a number of challenges due to globalization, development of organisation structure and high product complexity. The product definition happens over a long period, which also introduces challenges related to managing product information. Aalborg Industries is expecting to meet these challenges by implementing a PLM system; however a number of issues must be addressed to ensure a successful PLM implementation which relate to the current information, product and process structure.

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