Title: Sustainable valuation of urban green infrastructure: a case of evidence-based policy making from India
Authors: Pradeep Chaudhry
Addresses: Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Nehru Nagar, Bhopal, 462003, India
Abstract: The case study demonstrates that indirect benefits of well-maintained urban parks/gardens and water bodies have positive effect on the residents of the city which is reflected in nearby residential property rates indicated by more willingness to pay (WTP) on the part of people willing to buy them. This behaviour was captured in residential plots' collector rate modification policy decision in Chandigarh city of India during 2016. This step led to generation of better revenue by the city administration, enabling more ploughing back of money towards creation/and maintenance of urban parks/gardens and water bodies (e.g., Sukhna Lake). Cases of such kinds are not common in developing countries and need to be encouraged for sustaining local civic authorities financially.
Keywords: sustainability; valuation; non-market benefits; urban greens; good water quality lakes; hedonic pricing method; HPM; developing countries; environmental economics.
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, 2019 Vol.20 No.1, pp.1 - 6
Received: 20 Aug 2018
Accepted: 27 Sep 2018
Published online: 14 Mar 2019 *