Title: Determination of radioactive isotopes and some physicochemical parameters in five different rivers in the south Ondo State, Nigeria

Authors: T.F. Ediagbonya; O.I. Gbolahan

Addresses: Department of Chemical Sciences, Ondo University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa, Ondo State, Nigeria ' Department of Chemical Sciences, Ondo University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa, Ondo State, Nigeria

Abstract: In this study, different river samples from five different locations were analysed for the presence of radioactive isotopes along with some physicochemical parameters. The mean values of the radioactive isotopes in all the locations were: in Igbokoda, K-40 (Bq/L), 7.37; U-238 (Bq/L), 0.66; Th-232 (Bq/L), 1.19, Ra-226 (Bq/L), BDL, Igodan, K-40 (Bq/L), 3.50; U-238 (Bq/L), 0.80; Th-232 (Bq/L), BDL, Ra-226 (Bq/L), BDL, Erinje, K-40 (Bq/L), 10.30; U-238 (Bq/L), 0.0.30; Th-232 (Bq/L), 1.27, Ra-226 (Bq/L), 0.90; Irele, K-40 (Bq/L), 3.50; U-238 (Bq/L), 0.14; Th-232 (Bq/L), 0.77, Ra-226 (Bq/L), BDL; Okitipupa, K-40 (Bq/L), 9.63; U-238 (Bq/L), 0.74; Th-232 (Bq/L), 1.03, Ra-226 (Bq/L), BDL. The mean of conductivity pH, TSD and temperature of the various locations were: Igbokoda 140 μS, 4.02, 49.33, 28.00°C, Igodan 155.40 μS, 4.31, TSD, 63.31, 27.67°C, Erinje 95.53 μS, 4.74, TSD, 62.33, 27.67°C, Irele 73.67 μS, 5.18, TSD, 27.67, 28.00°C, Okitipupa, 69.83 μS, 5.19, TSD 31.00, 27.50°C. The mean values of the absorbed dose for the various locations were: Igbokoda, 1.39, Erinje, 1.40, Irele, 0.72, Okitipupa, 1.29, Igodan was nil.

Keywords: radioactive isotope; radiological effect; HPGE; Germanium detectors; physicochemical parameter; surface water.

DOI: 10.1504/IJLR.2018.098259

International Journal of Low Radiation, 2018 Vol.11 No.1, pp.45 - 65

Received: 10 Jan 2018
Accepted: 24 Jan 2018

Published online: 07 Mar 2019 *

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