Title: A lightweight multicast approach based on bloom filters for actuator-sensor-actuator communication in WSANs
Authors: Marcelo Guido De Oliveira Guimarães; Valério Rosset
Addresses: Federal University of São Paulo, São José dos Campos, 12247-014, SP, Brazil ' Federal University of São Paulo, São José dos Campos, 12247-014, SP, Brazil
Abstract: Some applications of wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSANs) require to operate in large-scale remote environments where natural barriers (e.g., relief and vegetation) may hinder the direct intercommunication of network devices. In this context, to ensure the communication between multiple actuators through the network of sensors is essential. The literature regarding multiple actuator communication consists in costly approaches based on unicast routing. In line with this, in a previous study, we proposed a routing protocol named multicast border oriented forward routing protocol (M-BOFP), whose communication between actuators is performed by multicast on top of the network of sensors. M-BOFP implements Bloom filters, a probabilistic data structure with low memory cost, to achieve the multicast communication with low message overhead. In this paper, we qualitatively compare M-BOFP to the literature and present the results of a comprehensive performance evaluation considering small, moderate and large-scale WSANs.
Keywords: WSAN; wireless sensor and actuator network; routing; delivery efficiency; multicast; bloom filters.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSNET.2018.096462
International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2018 Vol.28 No.4, pp.230 - 241
Received: 28 Aug 2017
Accepted: 22 Jan 2018
Published online: 04 Dec 2018 *