Title: Design and analysis of wave energy buoy integrated with seaweed farming
Authors: Kong Fah Tee; Sulaiman O. Olanrewaju
Addresses: University of Greenwich, Kent ME4 4TB, UK ' University Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Terengganu, 21030 Terengganu, Malaysia
Abstract: Farming facilities in offshore face natural disasters caused by tropical storms. Without reliable design of mooring system, the wave load on the structure can easily damage it during a natural disaster event that could lead to unacceptable economic loss. Mooring failure represents the most common reason for the loss of ocean devices due to environmental load action and inappropriate design; because the developers concentrate much of their efforts on optimising the efficiency of the device and not enough attention is paid to the design of the mooring system. Thus, ensuring the security and safe deployment of very large floating structure system is very important issue for industrial marine farm and ocean energy activities. This paper presents design and analysis of wave energy integrated with seaweed farming system. The static model will predict the tension and tilt at each mooring component, including the anchor, for which the safe mass will be evaluated in terms of the vertical and horizontal tensions. Predictions can be saved to facilitate mooring motion correction. Time dependent currents can be entered to predict the dynamic response of the mooring.
Keywords: wave energy; mooring failure; environmental loads; buoy; seaweed farming.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCIS.2018.095617
International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 2018 Vol.14 No.4, pp.336 - 359
Received: 12 Jan 2018
Accepted: 04 Jun 2018
Published online: 12 Oct 2018 *