Title: Institutional analysis of the conception of an Amazon state extractive reserve
Authors: Neima Quele Almeida Da Silva; Carlos André Da Silva Müller; Osmar Siena
Addresses: Federal University of Rondonia Campus Jose Ribeiro Filho, BR 364 km 9, 5, 76800-000, Porto Velho Rondônia, Brazil ' Federal University of Rondonia Campus Jose Ribeiro Filho, BR 364 km 9, 5, 76800-000, Porto Velho Rondônia, Brazil ' Federal University of Rondonia Campus Jose Ribeiro Filho, BR 364 km 9, 5, 76800-000, Porto Velho Rondônia, Brazil
Abstract: Extractive reserves (ERs) are protected areas that allow people living inside, as a result of Brazilian biodiversity conservation policy. It consists on try sustainable development together with the social local reality, allowing the survival of traditional populations with a self-sustaining economic activity. This institutionalised concept, however, seems too differ from many social products in the fields of ERs. So we intended answer why these actors, that should act in a isomorphic way, produce such diverse results? Thus, this study was based on document's analyses, analysis of expert´s visions performed by Content Analysis. The results demonstrate that the Federal ER's are closer to the original concept, while in the state ERs there are less sustainable activities such as timber extraction. We conclude the importance of social groups in determining the outcome in ERs.
Keywords: exploitation; extractive reserves; sustainable development; institutionalism.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2018.095042
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 2018 Vol.12 No.4, pp.375 - 386
Received: 02 Jun 2015
Accepted: 28 Jul 2016
Published online: 01 Oct 2018 *