Title: Planning the distribution of goods in the context of city logistics considering split deliveries with access and time restrictions
Authors: Renata Arantes Santana; Rodrigo De Alvarenga Rosa; Henrique Fiorot Astoures; Dahlen Siqueira Da Silva
Addresses: Industrial Engineer Department, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil ' Graduate Program in Civil Engineering – Transport, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil ' Industrial Engineer Department, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil ' Civil Engineer Department, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Abstract: Cities are getting bigger with more homes and companies which demand more goods to supply them. Furthermore, more vehicles are travelling in the cities which lead to an increase of greenhouse gas emissions, traffic jam and many other problems that damage the citizens' quality of life. To make it better, local governments are imposing restrictions on the type of vehicles and the time that they can deliver goods in the city. Thus, to plan the distribution of goods in this restricted context, this paper proposes a mathematical model that incorporates the characteristics of split deliveries, heterogeneous fleet, access restrictions and time windows for planning the distribution of goods. Based on real data from an agricultural supply company that delivers goods to supermarkets, seven instances were elaborated and the results showed that the model can bring cost savings for the company and environmental benefits for the citizens.
Keywords: split delivery vehicle routing problem; city logistics; greenhouse gas emissions; access and time restriction.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2017.087789
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2017 Vol.28 No.4, pp.507 - 527
Received: 18 Jun 2016
Accepted: 20 Jul 2016
Published online: 02 Nov 2017 *