Title: A quantum-inspired binary firefly algorithm for QoS multicast routing

Authors: Yassine Meraihi; Dalila Acheli; Amar Ramdane-Cherif; Mohammed Mahseur

Addresses: Department of Automation, Applied Automation Laboratory, University of MHamed Bougara Boumerdes, Avenue of Independence, Boumerdes 35000, Algeria ' Department of Automation, Applied Automation Laboratory, University of MHamed Bougara Boumerdes, Avenue of Independence, Boumerdes 35000, Algeria ' Department of Networks and Telecommunications, LISV Laboratory, University of Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 10-12 Avenue of Europe, Velizy 78140, France ' Department of Informatics, Faculty of Electronics and Informatics, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, El Alia Bab Ezzouar, Algiers 16025, Algeria

Abstract: The quality of service multicast routing problem (QoSMRP) is one of the main issues for transmission in wireless mesh networks. It is known to be an NP-hard problem, so many heuristic algorithms have been employed to solve this problem. This paper proposes a new quantum-inspired binary firefly algorithm (QIBFA) to solve the QoSMRP. QIBFA is based on the combination of the standard binary firefly algorithm (BFA) with the concept and principles of the quantum evolutionary algorithm (QEA). Its main idea is the introduction of the Q-bit and the quantum operator adopted in the quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm (QEA) into the binary firefly algorithm to avoid the premature convergence, ensure the diversity of the solutions and enhance the performance of the BFA. The simulation results show the efficiency and the superiority of our proposed algorithm compared with other existing algorithms in the literature.

Keywords: firefly algorithm; multicast routing; QoS; quality of service; quantum evolutionary algorithm.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMHEUR.2017.086980

International Journal of Metaheuristics, 2017 Vol.6 No.4, pp.309 - 333

Received: 09 Jun 2016
Accepted: 24 Mar 2017

Published online: 03 Oct 2017 *

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