Title: Control aspects in humanitarian logistics
Authors: Thomas E. Fernandez; Nanthi Suthikarnnarunai
Addresses: School of Engineering, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand ' University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Logistics Research Center, Bangkok 10325 Thailand
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to introduce a conceptual model of control aspects in humanitarian logistics. Control aspects in organisations providing humanitarian logistics have been identified and brought into context with the requirements in the phases of disasters. It was found that humanitarian relief organisations (HROs) are best suited to conduct logistics in the preparedness phase, military organisations are best suited in the emergency response phase. HROs are best suited in the recovery phase. Commercial companies are well suited in all phases. This paper has shown that control mechanisms have to be considered in the context of humanitarian logistics. This opens new avenues for academic research which should lead to improved logistics in the phases of disasters. To our knowledge, no such research has been attempted before.
Keywords: humanitarian logistics; disaster logistics; disaster response; phases of disasters; control aspects; internal control; external control; humanitarian relief organisations; HROs.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2017.086943
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2017 Vol.28 No.3, pp.267 - 286
Received: 09 Nov 2015
Accepted: 19 Jun 2016
Published online: 03 Oct 2017 *