Title: Heating residential water using parabolic trough concentrators: theoretical calculations and analysis
Authors: Mahmoud Khaled; Hany Beltagy; Ali Shaito; Hicham El Hage; Mohamad Ramadan
Addresses: Energy and Thermo-Fluid Group, School of Engineering, Lebanese International University, LIU, P.O. Box 146404 Beirut, Lebanon ' School of Engineering, University of Blida, Blida, BP 270 BLIDA (09000), Algeria ' Energy and Thermo-Fluid Group, School of Engineering, Lebanese International University, LIU, P.O. Box 146404, Beirut, Lebanon ' Energy and Thermo-Fluid Group, School of Engineering, Lebanese International University, LIU, P.O. Box 146404, Beirut, Lebanon ' Energy and Thermo-Fluid Group, School of Engineering, Lebanese International University, LIU, P.O. Box 146404, Beirut, Lebanon
Abstract: The present work concerns theoretical and case studies related to a new design of residential water heating using parabolic trough. To proceed, the thermal modelling of parabolic trough concentration and flat plate heat collection is drawn. Then, the case of Beirut city is considered to compare the performance of three different configurations of heating water: flat plate, parabolic trough and parabolic trough with tracking. It was shown that the enhancement of water heating using parabolic trough with respect to flat plate collector depends on the criterion of comparison. Particularly for the same volume occupied on the roof, the use of parabolic trough has shown to decrease the time of heating water to 70°C by 22.4% (a decrease from 52.2 h to 40.5 h) without tracking and 33% (a decrease from 52.2 h to 35 h) with tracking.
Keywords: water heating; parabolic trough; concentrator; flat plate; theoretical calculations; energy analysis; case study.
Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal, 2016 Vol.10 No.4, pp.321 - 333
Received: 22 Mar 2016
Accepted: 27 Jun 2016
Published online: 26 Apr 2017 *