Title: Internal logistics management: Brazilian warehouse best practices based on lean methodology
Authors: A. Reis; G. Stender; U. Maruyama
Addresses: Graduate Program in Production and System Engineering Federal Centre of Engineering Studies and Technological Education Av. Maracanã, 229 - Maracanã Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 20271-110 - Brazil ' Graduate Program in Production and System Engineering Federal Centre of Engineering Studies and Technological Education Av. Maracanã, 229 - Maracanã Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 20271-110 - Brazil ' Business Departament Federal Centre of Engineering Studies and Technological Education Av. Maracanã, 229 - Maracanã Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 20271-110 - Brazil
Abstract: In Brazil, a developing country, companies must continuously improve and specialize. Thus, in order to mitigate threats from competitors, logistics warehouse management has become a contributing factor for organization success and part of strategy. In this sense, the more space and optimizing inventory operation, the better material flow from production line up to service level, deploying profitable and productive results. Therefore, technical improvements in internal operations are critical for the studied organization survival. In this study, we intend to demonstrate how best practices and tools based on lean manufacturing methodology are able to increase efficiency by reducing costs and waste in a company of Oil & Gas industry. This qualitative research integrated in a field research comprises company's warehouses visitation, non-invasion observation and employees interviews. The result of this paper proposes solutions with low costs, mitigating waste performance to outline a production enhancement.
Keywords: supply chain management; SCM; lean manufacturing; internal logistics management; Brazil; warehouse best practice; warehousing; inventory management; material flow.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2017.081965
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2017 Vol.26 No.3, pp.329 - 345
Received: 11 Sep 2015
Accepted: 13 Dec 2015
Published online: 31 Jan 2017 *