Title: Energy efficient QoS routing and adaptive status update in WMSNs
Authors: Ziad Serhan; Wafaa Bou Diab
Addresses: Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon ' University Institute of Technology, Lebanese University, Aabey, Lebanon
Abstract: Multimedia sensors have shifted the focus from traditional scalar sensors to sensors equipped with multimedia devices. The characteristics of multimedia services impose more resource constraints on wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs) including energy consumption, memory, bandwidth, and processing capabilities. Meeting a good quality of multimedia services within aforementioned constraints is a real challenge. On the other hand, existing routing solutions used in WMSNs suffer from limitations in term of QoS and energy efficiency. These routing protocols must take into consideration the QoS requirements and resource constraints nature of WMSN. In this paper, we propose an adaptive status update method that eliminates the drawbacks of periodic beaconing, and a QoS routing solution that considers the QoS requirements of real-time applications by prioritising the different traffic types. The performance evaluations of the solutions prove a significant reduction in the energy consumption and a fair distribution of the traffic and the energy consumption among the different sensor nodes while guaranteeing a good QoS during the routing of multimedia traffic.
Keywords: adaptive status update; ASU; quality of service; QoS; multipath routing; multimedia services; energy efficiency; wireless multimedia sensor networks; WMSNs; wireless sensor networks; WSNs; energy consumption; memory; bandwidth; processing capabilities.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSSC.2016.080280
International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing, 2016 Vol.6 No.3, pp.129 - 146
Received: 19 Oct 2015
Accepted: 13 May 2016
Published online: 10 Nov 2016 *