Title: Neurofuzzy technology to evaluate the environmental performance of the cargo transportation mode
Authors: Maria Cristina Fogliatti de Sinay; Isolina Cruz; Suzana Kahn Ribeiro; Laura Sinay
Addresses: UNIGRANRIO, Rua da Lapa 86, Lapa, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil ' SóEnergy International, Juriti-Pará, Brazil ' COPPE/UFRJ, Rua Paulo Emídio Barbosa 485, Ilha da Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil ' IBIO/UNIRIO, Urca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Abstract: The operation of a transportation system is a factor of development for any region. However, the benefits provided are often accompanied by negative impacts on the environment, especially if the afore-mentioned operation is inadequately planned and controlled. This being so, the objective of this work is to present a procedure for obtaining an index representing the environmental performance of a cargo transportation mode as an instrument for guiding the decision-making process with regard to the choice of a sustainable mode for cargo transportation. The proposed index will be derived from the integration of several indicators related to different environmental aspects that could be damaged by the different activities performed. This integration will be achieved using fuzzy logic and neurofuzzy architecture. This index will assist enterprises when they are planning a sustainable cargo transportation service, environmental agencies in controlling such a service and society by preserving the environment and ensuring quality of life.
Keywords: cargo transport; environmental performance; fuzzy logic; sustainable transport; transport modes; sustainability; sustainable development; neural networks; neuro-fuzzy systems.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2016.078486
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2016 Vol.25 No.1, pp.44 - 60
Received: 03 Oct 2014
Accepted: 13 May 2015
Published online: 22 Aug 2016 *