Title: OWLS-LO: extending OWL-S to support learning object
Authors: Chaker Ben Mahmoud; Fathia Bettahar; Ikbel Azaiez; Faiez Gargouri
Addresses: IResCoMath, University of Gabes, Gabes, Tunisia ' IResCoMath, University of Gabes, Gabes, Tunisia ' IResCoMath, University of Gabes, Gabes, Tunisia ' ISIMSfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
Abstract: The essential challenge in e-learning is finding and identifying a learning object from a big corpus on the one hand, and ensuring the independence and reusability of learning objects in a different context, on the other hand. These problems can be solved by using the principles of Web service paradigm. In this paper, we propose a semantic description of learning services that encompasses the description of the learning intention and the use of context that characterise a learning object. Then, we propose a semantic service descriptor, based on our OWL-S extension, to enrich service registry. The feasibility of our extended semantic OWLS-LO is proved by experimental results obtained.
Keywords: e-learning; electronic learning; online learning; learning paths; learning services; ontology; OWL-S; web ontology language; web services; learning objects; semantic description; learning intention; context.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMSO.2016.078111
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 2016 Vol.11 No.1, pp.61 - 70
Received: 19 Dec 2015
Accepted: 24 May 2016
Published online: 02 Aug 2016 *