Title: Women and family business succession in Asia - characteristics, challenges and chauvinism

Authors: Viju Mathew

Addresses: Department of Int. Business Administration, CAS, Salalah, Oman

Abstract: Most of the countries in Asia are prejudice to male supremacy in family. The family is often considered as most powerful division of social structure and family businesses are still dominated by male successor. This research identifies the key characteristics, challenges and chauvinism toward female for family business succession by examining specific practices of family business. The case study determines the potential succession, growth, development and addressing the intergenerational-transition issues in family businesses. The results reject the general postulation that selection of successor is based on gender rather than capabilities and skills and women are less competent to take an entrepreneurial role as successor of the family business. Finding concludes that women could be the choice for the selection as the successor of family business and highlighting the relation between the growth and performance by women in undertaking family business.

Keywords: women; family business; family firms; business succession; female entrepreneurs; entrepreneurship; chauvinism; gender; prejudice; intergenerational transition; firm growth; firm performance.

DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2016.073972

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2016 Vol.27 No.2/3, pp.410 - 424

Received: 16 Nov 2014
Accepted: 20 Nov 2014

Published online: 31 Dec 2015 *

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