Title: Routing strategy in a distribution network when the driver learning effect is considered
Authors: Daria Battini; Maurizio Faccio; Alessandro Persona; Stefan Røpke; Giorgia Zanin
Addresses: Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova, Stradella San Nicola 3, 36100, Vicenza, Italy ' Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova, Stradella San Nicola 3, 36100, Vicenza, Italy ' Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova, Stradella San Nicola 3, 36100, Vicenza, Italy ' Department of Transport (DTU), Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark ' Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova, Stradella San Nicola 3, 36100, Vicenza, Italy
Abstract: This paper faces one critical short term decision: the construction of routes for daily goods' deliveries in a distribution network. It investigates the possibility of applying a fixed routing strategy instead of a daily routing optimisation strategy, analysing the benefits derived from the driver's familiarity with his/her surroundings, customers' habits and set-ups. The final aim is to provide an effective and flexible decision-making tool to identify the best routing strategy, considering the level of learning invested by each driver. It is assumed that learning effect impacts on the service time, i.e., on the time spent in service operations once arrived at the customer's site. Results demonstrate that fixed routes strategy can often be better than the daily optimised strategy and strongly depends on the parameters investigated in this work. Two case applications are provided to help the reader's comprehension and demonstrate the methodology's potential and its practical implications.
Keywords: routing optimisation; driver learning effect; distribution networks; vehicle routing problem; routing strategy; daily deliveries; driver route familiarity; customer habits.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2015.069734
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2015 Vol.21 No.3, pp.385 - 411
Received: 24 Jan 2014
Accepted: 09 Apr 2014
Published online: 30 May 2015 *