Title: Exploring the acceptance for e-learning using technology acceptance model among university students in India
Authors: P.A. Ratna; Saloni Mehra
Addresses: Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, A-23, Shravan Sector, Cidco, Nashik – 422 008, India ' J.D.C. Bytco Institute of Management Studies and Research, Nashik, 422005, India
Abstract: This paper examines the acceptance and behaviour of students towards e-learning using the technology acceptance model (TAM), within the framework of a course. The instrument used in the current study adopts the scale developed by Davis (1989). This study is set against a lack of consistent, detailed research on the factors influencing the acceptance of e-learning by students in India. In line with previous research, results suggest that TAM is a strong theoretical model (Ronnie et al., 2011), where its validity can extend to the e-learning context. Significant relationships were observed between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude, behavioural intention to use and actual use. Perceived usefulness strongly mediated perceived ease of use and attitude, while attitude mediated perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and behavioural intention to use e-learning.
Keywords: e-learning; technology acceptance model; TAM; perceived ease of use; perceived usefulness; behavioural intention; India; student acceptance; electronic learning; university students; higher education; online learning.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2015.068667
International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 2015 Vol.5 No.2, pp.194 - 210
Received: 17 Jul 2014
Accepted: 24 Jul 2014
Published online: 08 Apr 2015 *