Title: Barriers to implementing supply chain management in a cluster of clothing and knitwear line sectors
Authors: Hamilton Pozo; Telma Aline Torricelli
Addresses: Division of MBA Small Business and Intrapreunership Study, Faculdade Campo Limpo Paulista – FACCAMP, Rua Guatemala, 167, CEP.13231-230, São Paulo, Brazil ' Division of MBA Small Business and Intrapreunership Study, Faculdade Campo Limpo Paulista – FACCAMP, Rua Guatemala, 167, CEP.13231-230, São Paulo, Brazil
Abstract: The objective of the research was to identify and analyse the barriers small companies in the cluster of clothing and knitwear line the city of Socorro/SP face in implementing the supply chain management (SCM). As a research instrument, a questionnaire with Likert scale of agreement and open questions was used. The research is characterised as exploratory, whose methods are employed in the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the model. The results were analysed with techniques of non-parametric statistics, using Chopra and Meindl (2003) method, where they work with five barriers, namely: barriers incentives, barriers information processing, operational barriers, barriers prices and behavioural barriers. The results answered the research objectives, demonstrating the analysis of the barriers that companies of the cluster in the city of Socorro/SP face in implementing SCM, demonstrating that even the barrier of information processing demonstrated the unsatisfactory outcome to APL.
Keywords: supply chain management; SCM; knitwear supply chains; clothing supply chains; implementation barriers; Chopra and Meindl method; five barriers; clustering; industry clusters; micro and small businesses; MSBs; inventory management; Brazil; knitwear industry; clothing industry; garment industry; apparel industry; MSMEs; SMEs; micro enterprises; small and medium-sized enterprises; incentives barriers; information processing barriers; operational barriers; price barriers; behavioural barriers.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2015.067259
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2015 Vol.20 No.2, pp.239 - 259
Received: 08 Aug 2013
Accepted: 14 Oct 2013
Published online: 15 Apr 2015 *