Title: Offshore wind metadata management
Authors: Trinh Hoang Nguyen; Rocky Dunlap; Leo Mark; Andreas Prinz; Bjørn Mo Østgren; Trond Friisø
Addresses: Department of ICT, University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway ' School of Computer Science, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA ' School of Computer Science, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA ' Department of ICT, University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway ' Statkraft AS, Oslo, Norway ' Origo Solutions AS, Arendal, Norway
Abstract: Offshore wind energy is gaining more and more attention from industry and research community due to its high potential in producing green energy and lowering price on electricity consumption. However, offshore wind is facing many challenges, and hence it is still expensive to install in large scale. It therefore needs to be considered from different aspects of technologies in order to overcome these challenges. One of the problems of the offshore wind is that information comes from different sources with diversity in types and format. Besides, there are existing wind databases that should be utilised in order to enrich the knowledge base of the wind domain. This paper describes an approach to managing offshore wind metadata effectively using semantic technologies. An offshore wind ontology has been developed. The semantic gap between the developed ontology and the relational database is investigated. A prototype system has been developed to demonstrate the use of the ontology.
Keywords: offshore wind metadata; metadata management; data integration; offshore wind ontology; wind energy; wind power; data management; semantic gap; relational databases.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMSO.2014.065445
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 2014 Vol.9 No.4, pp.333 - 349
Received: 18 Sep 2013
Accepted: 17 Mar 2014
Published online: 24 Oct 2014 *